I will be on the road again in a few days.
Then my mind will be filled with other things.
So now, in these easier times, I am going to post the talk I gave at the citizen hearings after I returned from Gaza 2 years ago in March.
This journey stays close to my heart.
What follows is long. It was a 10 - 15 minute talk. Please read it through to the end.
It is the least you can do.
When I first decided to go to Gaza with the Code Pink/Global Exchange delegation I knew very little about Gaza.
What I saw there was beyond my imagination.
At home, in my perfect little world, I have been a registered nurse for 30 years. I have 2 grandchildren. They are the joy of my life, and I expect for them the basic necessities of life.
A good education, a chance to experience happiness and the opportunities of the world around them.
These are the things every parent and grandparent in the world wants. These are the things the moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas in Gaza want for their families:
Clean water, shelter, an education, security, a future, and hope.
By contrast this is what I saw in Gaza.
- I saw children who have had their childhoods stolen from them.
- I saw closed and bombed out schools - no books or writing paper.
- I saw curfews, abuse and intimidation by Israeli soldiers.
- I saw fear - children refusing to go to the schools that are open because they are to afraid to leave their parents.
- I saw post traumatic stress disorder. Although as one clinician in Gaza pointed out - it is not post - because they are living it every day.
- I saw malnutrition and unsafe drinking water - over 150,000 Palestinians are still without tap water.
- I saw a severely damaged sewer system. On the bus one afternoon driving toward KhanYounis we began to smell a terrible odor. Our driver said it was because the waste water system to our left had been bombed during the last attack discharging raw sewage for over 20 days, contaminating the ground water. The system has yet to be repaired.
- I saw where the only playgrounds were on filthy demolished concrete streets.
- I saw people trapped, often not being able to leave their own neighborhoods.
- I saw homes with only a few hours of electricity a day.
- I saw closed borders with nothing going in or out for days and weeks at a time, not even those dangerous, specially banned items like: jam, biscuits, tomatoes, tea, and dates.
498 boxes of US aid cargo and 2,488 boxes of World
Vision cargo were denied entrance into Gaza in ONE week.
Also on the banned list was livestock, industrial/electrical appliances,
vehicles, packing applications and construction materials.
- I saw children who had watched as their family members were lying wounded or dead, sometimes trapped beside them for days.
- I saw adults who had watched the children they love suffer or die without being able to help or protect them.
- I saw many families with family members in prison. Most had extended families living in small overcrowded conditions, with unemployment and extreme poverty as the norm.
The Palestinians do not have a land or a country they can call their home. A place where they live and belong. They must function day to day in hostile conditions, in fear and insecurity, and this has resulted in a general state of helplessness and dependency.
One Palestinian woman said "There is no peace or security for us. There is no guarantee that they will not take more of our land. If I build or plant something on my small piece of land, Israel can come and take it away any time they want."
- 15,000 homes were damaged or destroyed
- 50,000 MORE Palestinians were left homeless
- 160 schools were destroyed
- 1500 factories and workshops, and 80% of agricultural crops were destroyed.
The shelling in all of Gaza was 24 hours a day, every day. We were told by one person that even when 2 bombs would be enough to destroy everything, the Israelis would come back 6 times just to terrorize the people. They would drop leaflets and make phone calls day and night telling people to leave their homes. "We are bombing." they would say. Sometimes it was true, sometimes it wasn't.
As we visited one severely damaged, completely flattened neighborhood we could look out over the pile of rubble and debris and see Israel. We could see the perfect little house tops, the swimming pools and the greenness of the country side. We could trace the path the tanks took as they came closer and closer and destroyed the neighborhood we stood in. I could imagine the noise, the bombs exploding, the sound of the tanks, the screams and the crying. I could FEEL the fear.
We saw several hospitals which were targeted and hit.
The World Council of Churches was targeted and hit.
The UN headquarters sheltering 700 civilians was targeted and hit-all weapons containing deadly white phosphorus.
The Parliament, schools - including the American International School, the United Nations Refugee School, the Islamic University of Gaza were targeted and hit.
All police stations and all fire stations were targeted and hit.
Medical crews and ambulances were targeted and hit.
We saw the evidence of this everywhere we went. If Israel's claims are true - that it is using precision intelligence and weaponry - then it looks to me like the massive destruction must have been intentional.
When I first started reading about Palestine and Israel, I would look at the publication date of the book or article. I soon realized that the dates were not important. The date might say 2002, but what I was reading was the exact same scenerio that I had seen or heard about in March of 2009.
The Palestinian people have been living like this for
years and years and years and years.
How do we talk about the effects of war and occupation on
generations of children? Children now are being raised by young parents that were traumatized children of an occupied and war torn Palestine just a few years ago.
How can a parent watch their child be killed and buried beneath the rubble and
not be outraged?
How can a parent be ridiculed and intimidated in front
of his children and family and not be outraged?
How can a parent live with a spouse and 10 children in a 2 room house with no
running water and not be outraged?
How can a person work hard every day of his life and have everything he's
worked for be bulldozed down and not be outraged?
I think of how I would feel and how I would react if someone just took away my grandchildren's right to an education.
The Palestinian people are loosing SO much more than that every day.
But outrage was not what I saw. I saw just the opposite.
The Palestinian father who had lost everything - his home, 2 of his children, his business, and several other relatives did not say "I want to kill these people who have done this to us."
He just said.."Why?" Why do they want to destroy us? Why can't they just let us live?
I want to add a few more why's of my own.
- Why is the world standing idly by while 1.5 million Palestinians are being held prisoners in their own country?
- Why is the United States - the richest, most developed country in the world, with claims of such a good human rights record - enabling this outrage with our own American tax dollars?
- Why are truck loads of aid being stopped at the Israeli and Egyptian borders and left to rot?
- Why is Israel being allowed to continue bombing and shelling every night?
- Why don't we speak up and say STOP! Open the borders. Give these people back their sovereignty and their dignity. Give them back what is rightfully theirs.
- Why doesn't someone end the Israeli occupation??
I only knew these people for a few days but I care about them.
From now on no matter who says what to me. I KNOW. I SAW
I heard the bombs which continue to be dropped every night, all night.
I saw the rows and rows of Palestinian refugee camp tents.
And I saw the bombs and the shells stamped...... 'MADE IN THE USA'
- I want my government to support an immediate ceasefire.
- I want my government to help end the international siege of Gaza.
- I want my government to stop weapon sales to Israel.
- I want my government to work quickly to prevent further illegal offensive military use of taxpayer funded weapons.
And I want it NOW!!!